The Kikkuli Method of Horse Training is a 3,000-year-old equine training program named after its creator, the Mitannian Master Horse Trainer Kikkuli. His horse conditioning techniques helped establish a military empire in around 1345 BC.
As a fitness program for horses, it offers modern trainers the opportunity to improve horses’ fitness while keeping them sound and happy. Dr Nyland has made it available mainly for its historical interest, and for principles which can be followed and adapted by distance riders.
Mitanni was an Indo-Iranian empire centred in northern Mesopotamia that flourished from about 1500 to about 1360 BCE. From a historical point of view, it is fascinating to learn how the ancients prepared their horses to ride hundreds of miles to other countries and remain strong enough to carry them in battle.
Note: This was an official university trial and Dr A Nyland replicated this ancient text with horses led off a vehicle and off other horses throughout the seven months of the trial, safely, under the scrutiny of university and independent welfare bodies. The author does not suggest anyone is to follow the seven months in its entirety.
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