For the past 20 years, I’ve offered bodywork for horses first in England and then Australia.
I started writing The Horse’s Back in 2013 to provide a practical resource for my clients in New South Wales. The first major post was the neck threadworms article, which took off rather more than expected. That spurred me to carry on writing.
In 2019, after gaining a studentship at CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, I was awarded my PhD by the University of New England for my thesis on the ongoing developmental issues presented by horses that were premature or dysmature at birth.

Next came a Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Acupuncture from the College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies. I’ve included a link to my 2025 podcast interview with CIVT, below.
I’m now based in Tamworth, NSW where I run my practice Equine Healthworks.